May 18, 2012

better(?) pics of quilt tops

Well, I guess you can see them a little better in these pics. I'll have to find a non-windy sunny day and try again.

May 4, 2012

Teasel Rue Larson

 8/15/98  - 5/3/12
It never gets any easier.

May 3, 2012

Keeping Busy

This is how I've been spending my evenings for the last couple of months. I hope to have them completed by the end of May. The blue zig-zag is for my man and the other is for me. I never really thought of myself as a 'blue-purple' person, but I really love the color periwinkle.

The girls are rototilling like the good chickens they are and the flowers (Iris and Lilacs) are blooming beautifully. Now that it's Spring I'll be spending more time in the garden. I've built a raised bed and hope to get some heirloom veggies started in it, so that will be keeping me busy in future evenings, but I'll still make time to sew or knit or sculpt - I just don't feel 'whole' otherwise.